
Kate Weatherford Darling, joins SJRC as Assistant Director of Research and Academic Programs

Katherine (Kate) Weatherford Darling is a sociologist working across the boundaries of the sociology of health, illness and disability, and feminist science studies. Kate is currently a Doctoral Candidate at UC San Francisco. She first joined the Science and Justice Research Center as a Visiting Scholar and a Graduate Student Researcher in 2015 and worked with the SJRC team to plan the Just Data? conference held May 2016 at UCSC. Continue Reading Kate Weatherford Darling, joins SJRC as Assistant Director of Research and Academic Programs

SJTP fellow awarded AAUW fellowship

Congratulations to Science and Justice Training Program Fellow and past Graduate Student Researcher, Lizzy Hare (Anthropology), for being awarded a 2016-2017 fellowship from the American Association of University Women (AAUW). Read the full story here. More on Lizzy’s research can be found here.

How can health equity be ensured in the age of precision medicine?

Managing big biodata and health equity were some of the hot issues debated at Just Data? Justice, Knowledge and Care in an Age of Precision Medicine, a collaborative meeting to shape the science and justice agenda in the age precision medicine. Read the full story here.

New technology, but familiar problems

An interdisciplinary event hosted by the Center for Analytical Finance and the Science and Justice Research Center discussed the historical and social problems in tech and finance. more here.