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SJRC Annual Report 2021-2022

Volume 15 Director’s Letter: Welcome to Science & Justice As we look forward to the year to come, we appreciate the chance to share with you our accomplishments of the last year. Science & Justice continues to be in the headlines, making a critical difference in California, the nation and globally. Our faculty and students… Continue Reading SJRC Annual Report 2021-2022

Book Cover for Contesting Race and Citizenship: Youth Politics in the Black Mediterranean (Cornell University Press, 2022)

Book release! Contesting Race and Citizenship: Youth Politics in the Black Mediterranean (Cornell University Press, 2022)

About the Book Contesting Race and Citizenship is an original study of Black politics and varieties of political mobilization in Italy. Although there is extensive research on first-generation immigrants and refugees who traveled from Africa to Italy, there is little scholarship about the experiences of Black people who were born and raised in Italy. Camilla Hawthorne… Continue Reading Book release! Contesting Race and Citizenship: Youth Politics in the Black Mediterranean (Cornell University Press, 2022)