“The [Science & Justice Training Program] has taken an innovative approach that: (1) emerges from specific research practices; and (2) expands the set of considerations that qualify as scientific responsibility…. The main components of this approach [are] creating legitimate institutional space where the links between science and engineering and questions of ethics and justice might be explored; encouraging students to “slow down” to investigate these questions on the ground; and supporting collaborations that arise organically from common concerns” (Science & Justice Research Center 2013).
Held monthly or as requested, the Science & Justice Training Program aims to create mutual support around successes, challenges and goals among SJTP fellows, both around traditional graduate school milestones and more experimental practices of collaboration. Gatherings are facilitated by the Center Manager with the SJTP introductory seminar (Science and Justice: Experiments in Collaboration) instructor with collective decisions about how to best use the space.
Op-Ed Workshops
The Science and Justice Training Program offers a two-part workshop on writing Op-Eds about science and society issues. Science and Justice Visiting Professor Sally Lehrman teaches science journalism and has extensive experience writing about the social, ethical and political dynamics of science in major publications. In the workshop, she walks through the process of conceiving, writing and placing articles about research projects in non-academic publications.
All graduate students are welcome to join, even if you participated in previous iterations of the workshop. Current fellows are strongly encouraged to attend.