Science & Justice Research Center Publications
- Reardon, J., Lee, S., Goering, S., Fullerton, S.M., Cho, M., Panofsky, A., Hammonds, E.. 2023. “Trustworthiness matters: Building equitable and ethical science.” CellPress. 186(5): 894-898.
- The Genomic Open workshop group. 2013. Jenny Reardon, Rachel A Ankeny, Jenny Bangham, Katherine W Darling, Stephen Hilgartner, Kathryn Maxson Jones, Beth Shapiro, Hallam Stevens, 2013. “Bermuda 2.0.: Reflections from Santa Cruz.” Gigascience 5(1): 1-4.
- Reardon, J., Metcalf, J., Kenney, M., & Barad, K. 2015. “Science & Justice: The Trouble and The Promise.” Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience, 1(1), 1-48.
- Science and Justice Research Center Collaborations Group. 2013. “Experiments in Collaboration: Interdisciplinary Graduate Education in Science and Justice.”PLoS Biology 11[7]: 1-5.
- Reardon, Jenny. 2013. “On the Emergence of Science and Justice.” Science, Technology and Human Values 38[2]: 176-200.
- Reardon, J., Fullerton S. M., Purcell N. 2007. “Genomics and justice: promises and perils in the pursuit of responsible science.”
SJRC Supported Publications
- Hendrickx, Kim. 2022. “Keep biology weird: On disobedient worms and scientific freedom.” EMBO’s Science & Society: (PDF)
Publications that mention the Center
- 2015-16 Inquiry Research Magazine – pg 19-21
- Mueller, Ruth and Kenney, Martha. 2014. “Agential Conversations. On Interviewing Life Scientists and the Politics of Mundane Research Practices.” Science as Culture 23.
- Andrade, Karen et al. 2014. “Finding your way in the interdisciplinary forest notes on educating future conservation practitioners.” ResearchGate. (p. 14 mentions the work but not the Center)
- McCabe, Daniel. 2012. “The Slow Science Movement.” University Affairs. (mentions the Center in the comments)
Interviews and Science & Justice in the Popular Press
- SJTP Fellow Erica Zurawski’s interview with the Association for the Study of Food and Society. 26 April 2019.
- Director Jenny Reardon interviewed by Le Monde:
- “Jenny Reardon, sociologist between science and justice.” 2016. Le Monde.
- SJRC interviewed by UCSC Sociology Graduate Student Shun-nan Chiang:
- Chiang, Shun-nan. 2015. 當正義遇見科學:加州大學聖塔克魯斯分校科學與正義研究中心簡介 (“When Justice Meets Science: An Introduction to the Center for Science & Justice Research at the University of California, Santa Cruz”). 1/44/15. Taiwan Institute of Technology and Society Studies.
- Guzman, Kara. 2013. “UCSC Science and Justice Program Receives National Attention“. Santa Cruz Sentinel.
- SJRC interviewed by Danish Education Abroad Program student Bue Thastum:
- Thastum, Bue. 2013. “Skal forskningen skabe en bedre verden?” (“Should Research Create a Better World?”). Danish Daily Information.
Rapporteur Reports
To view the rapporteur reports from our Science & Justice Working Group events, please browse past events, or view a list of events for which rapporteur reports are available.
End-of-Year and Annual Reports
2022-2023 SJRC End of Year Report
2021-2022 SJRC End of Year Report
2020-2021 SJRC End of Year Report
2019-2020 SJRC End of Year Report
2018-2019 SJRC End of Year Report
2017-2018 SJRC End of Year Report
2016-2017 SJRC End of Year Report
2015-2016 SJRC End of Year Report
2014-2015 SJRC End of Year Report
2013-2014 SJRC End of Year Report
2012-2013 SJRC End of Year Report
2011-2012 SJRC End of Year Report
2010-2011 SJWG End of Year Report
2009-2010 SJWG End of Year Report