Housed on the second floor of the Oakes Residential College Academic Building at UC Santa Cruz, the SJRC provides a common space, room 231, for affiliated students, faculty, and visiting scholars.
In addition to formal Working Group events, we regularly host informal, often playful gatherings focused on current research and teaching strategies, responses to current and trending topics of concern, and the occasional field trip or writing session in the redwoods. This inclusive and interdisciplinary intellectual culture builds the Science & Justice community providing a unique opportunity for pursuing innovative research questions that push toward justice in the realm of science and technology. Find out more about projects, Working Group events and other practices for enacting science & justice.
UCSC Undergraduate Students
Science & Justice often accepts 2-4 undergraduates per term to collaborate on independent and collective research papers, proposals, and projects as well as Center events and programming. Find out the various ways undergraduates can get involved, including Individual Studies and building an Individual Major in Science & Justice.
UCSC Graduate Students
Science & Justice graduate students train in innovative research methods that are both empirically robust and ethically responsive. Drawing from varied disciplines, students explore strategies for addressing questions of science and knowledge along with questions of ethics and justice. Find out the various ways graduate students can get involved and our list of Training Program Fellows.
UCSC Faculty
Faculty affiliated with SJRC provide a wide breadth of cross-divisional, institutional and transdisciplinary knowledge and co-curricular networks. They support the Center’s research themes and visions, participate in Center activities and help build the Science & Justice platform. They often present and advise students in the Training Program and oversee undergraduate Independent Studies and Major students working on focused research projects. Affiliates may receive support for collaborative research projects and co-authored publications, event conceptualization and organization, hosting visiting scholars, and grant administration. Find out the various ways faculty can get involved and our list of Affiliated Faculty.
UCSC Labs, Research Groups, Programs, Centers and Institutes
Science & Justice collaborates with many academic and research units on-and-off campus through various research, curriculum and training practices for enacting science & justice. Faculty Principal Investigators (PI’s) looking to partner with SJRC through event co-sponsorships, co-curricular opportunities for students and faculty, or grants, should consider becoming affiliated with the Center, and review our grant application and review process.
Non-UCSC Visiting Scholars and Non-UCSC Graduate Students
Science & Justice hosts approximately 3-5 visitors annually, offering opportunities for scholars at all levels of their career to participate in our active community happenings. Find out the various ways to get involved through the Visiting Scholar Program.