Undergraduate Researchers Hannah Finegold and Eric Flores Alvarez, UCSC SJRC Just Data? Conference 2016, Photo: Melissa De Witte
Want to explore issues of justice within science and society?
Interested in getting involved?
Have an idea for a project?
Find out more below on the ways undergraduate students can get involved, view our research projects, science and justice courses at UCSC and our list of affiliated faculty and mentors.
Research Opportunities at UC Santa Cruz
In keeping with the University of California's three-part mission: research, teaching, and public service, each UC Santa Cruz residential learning college and major has its own strong and unique history of integrating undergraduates into research. An overview of research opportunities will help structure your curriculum, research and academic plans. Specific information and resources are divided per division: Arts, Engineering, Humanities, Physical & Biological Sciences, Social Sciences.
Independent Research Working Directly with Faculty
Offering a wide range of courses across UCSC’s many disciplines, SJRC affiliates with faculty whose research questions the relationships between science, society and justice. In an age where collaboration and thinking outside the box is crucial, traditional disciplines or fields of study may not accurately address or provide adequate space or expertise for certain questions or topics to be explored. UCSC allows strong academic performing students to supplement their experience by working directly with a faculty member under Individual Studies and Majors.
Individual Studies range from 2-5 units per term and can be independent or part of a group and may include directed readings, guided independent and collaborative research, project and event planning, and networking opportunities. The SJRC is not an academic department therefore units for Individual Studies must be coordinated through the faculty advisor's home department. SJRC sponsored projects overseen by the Center Director are coordinated through the Sociology department however can be sponsored by any faculty affiliate.
Want to major in Science and Justice? Consider an Individual Study.
Create your own Individual Study or Major! Undergraduate students who do not find a satisfactory major within the established departments, may elect to develop an Individual Major that is distinct from any approved major program or possible combination of major programs. Individual Majors are coordinated through the students’ affiliated college.
Review Types of Individual Studies in Sociology and Tips for a Successful Independent Project before applying. Individual Major’s should view the Academic Senate Guidelines, Registrar’s Office Guidelines and Academic Senate Regulation 10.4.5 before applying. Let us know how we can help guide or inform your major plan.
Funding Opportunities
UCSC Scholarships and Awards
Funding Your Research information is divided per division: Arts, Engineering, Humanities, Physical & Biological Sciences, Social Sciences. UCSC offers numerous scholarships and awards as well ways to fund your research. SJRC students have been successfully awarded research funds for Individual Studies. Below are some helpful links: