May 18, 2016 | Just Data? Justice, Knowledge and Care in an Age of Precision Medicine

The “Just Data?” meeting at UCSC aims to broaden the public discussion about big data and health from ethical and legal questions about privacy and informed consent to more fundamental questions about the right and just constitution of care, trust, and knowledge in an age of biomedical data. This agenda-setting workshop will gather international leaders in genomics, health and informatics, civil rights, bioethics, indigenous rights, science policy and the social study of health and medicine. The meeting will be broken into two phases: 1) Discussion of critical challenges, problems and promises; 2) Collaborative work to set the science and justice agenda of big biodata and precision medicine.

For full event and registration information, please visit:

Co-Sponsored by the National Science Foundation, the NHGRI program of the NIH, the UC North Bioethics Collaboratory, and the UCSC Genomics Institute.

May 18-19 | Alumni Room, University Center, UC Santa Cruz

Broader Impacts?

There was an interesting piece in Science last week about the long-running debates around the meaning and purpose of the “Broader Impacts” requirement on NSF grant applications. The article does a good job of articulating the complaints of scientists doing “basic” science that seems to far removed from “applications” to have anything meaningful to say about societal impacts. But it doesn’t ask whether such requirements over time force applicants to actually change their practices. Continue Reading Broader Impacts?