January 14, 2020 | Theorizing Race After Race

5:00-6:30 PM

SJRC Common Room, Oakes 231

Join Science & Justice scholars for an open discussion of Theorizing Race After Race!

At this meeting, we will discuss our plans for the upcoming event with Herman Gray and Alondra Nelson at Kuumbwa on January 22nd, as well as a draft funding proposal to support future TRAR projects.

Readings can be found in this Google Drive folder and includes writings by Alondra and Herman, as well as some pieces by Paul Gilroy. All, in different ways, are touching on questions of (post)race, science, and futurity–themes we hope to incorporate into the Kuumbwa event.

More information on the cluster can be found at: https://scijust.ucsc.edu/2019/05/17/theorizing-race-after-race/.

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