SJTP receives funding for comparative cross-campus review of graduate curriculum that make questions of gender and social justice fundamental to STEM training

With colleagues at UC Davis, Sociology@UCSantaCruz Professor and SJRC Director Jenny Reardon with Feminist Studies Professor and SJRC Director of Teaching Karen Barad received a CITRIS grant to collect data on two graduate curriculums at UC Santa Cruz and UC Davis.

The Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS) aims to leverage the interdisciplinary research strengths of multiple UC campuses to advance the University of California’s mission and the innovative spirit of California. The institute was created to shorten the pipeline between world-class laboratory research and the development of cutting-edge applications, platforms, companies, and even new industries.

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UC Santa Cruz researchers win four CITRIS seed funding awards

This research is supported by a 2019 Seed Fund Award from CITRIS and the Banatao Institute at the University of California under “2019-0112: Comparative Analysis of Interdisciplinary Training for STEM Scholars”.

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