Wed 9:00AM – 12:00PM
Science & Justice: Experiments in Collaboration
Offered as BME/FMST/SOCY 268A or ANTH 267A
Rachel Carson College 301; Professor of Sociology and Director of the SJRC Jenny Reardon
The Science & Justice Training Program (SJTP) trains science and engineering graduate students alongside social science, humanities and arts graduate students. The Science & Justice: Experiments in Collaboration seminar is the introductory course in the Training Program and draws together early career graduate students and senior faculty from across all five divisions to foster experimental collaborative research practices. The SJTP offers a unique opportunity for students to learn to work together to explore how questions of science and knowledge meet questions of ethics and justice. Students gain experience designing innovative research and organizing and hosting colloquia. They also gain access to project or event funding, mentorship and training.
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