The Science & Justice Research Center and the SNU in the World Program are now accepting applications for a:
Winter Graduate Student Research Fellow
This position supports The SNU in the World Program, administered by the Office of International Affairs (OIA) at Seoul National University (, a university-led and government-funded initiative to train undergraduate students to be globally engaged scholars and leaders. The SNU in the World Program with the Science & Justice Research Center (SJRC) at UC Santa Cruz is coordinated through the Science & Justice Research Center’s Visiting Scholar Program with Doogab Yi, Associate Professor of Science Studies at Seoul National University ( The SNU in the World Program at UC Santa Cruz is one of five other programs selected for funding and focuses on Innovation, Science and Justice. Other SNU Programs include visits to Washington DC (public policy), Japan (sustainable development), and Australia (climate crisis).
In consultation with PI Jenny Reardon (Sociology) and Colleen Stone (Program Manager) at the Science & Justice Research Center (SJRC) and PI Doogab Yi (SNU), one graduate student researcher will be offered a 12.5% GSRship (a total of 60 hours) to develop and implement the proposed research visit, help advise and welcome visiting students.
The researcher will: 1) assist developing and organizing a two-week program (in Santa Cruz and in the greater Bay Area) of invited presenters discussing a variety of topics on Innovation, Science and Justice, 2) help implement activities during visit, 3) engage SNU students providing guidance on final presentations, 4) survey visitors for feedback on visit, soliciting pictures and final student presentations to post to the project website and inform the next years’ visit, and 5) generate a final report on activities.
More information about “The SNU in the World Program” project along with links to previous program’s can be found on the project webpage.
The Student Must:
- Be currently enrolled as a graduate student at UC Santa Cruz (any discipline).
- Be interested in strengthening partnerships with SNU visitor’s and UCSC Korean students, and in innovation, science and justice studies.
- Be available to be in Santa Cruz for the two-week long visit (January 22 – February 02, 2024).
The Student Will:
- Be offered a 12.5% GSRship from Jan 08 – Feb 28. Date range and step to be confirmed upon acceptance of offer.
- Be offered a winter fellowship with the SJRC and listed on the Project’s webpage.
- Work closely with a team to develop clear goals and programming, and assist student groups with final projects.
- Submit an end-of-visit report of activities with suggestions for future programming.
To Apply:
By Friday, December 01 at 12 Noon, email ( expressing interest, letting us know and sending the following:
- Your name, home department, academic faculty advisor(s).
- Your resume/CV.
- Why you are interested in the project and how your learning/research/career goals would benefit from the fellowship.
- Your experiences with the project topic, if any.
- Briefly describe any ideas for programming.