Tuesday, October 22, 2024
7:00-8:30 PM
Online via Zoom or in-person at the UCSC Cultural Center at Merrill (recording)
As part of the UC Santa Cruz U.S. Elections Forum Series events provide a platform for deep conversations about our quickly changing and polarized democracy, and consider how to participate in and help shape our futures. We are questioning: How do power, politics, and the media landscape interact, disrupt, and reinforce one another? Join the conversations with our scholars and national thought leaders to learn more about how to think critically about our political processes and the nature of our democracy. All events are offered online via Zoom, while some have an in-person option. Events are free and open to the public. More information is available on the Institute for Social Transformation’s website.
The series is co-sponsored by: Institute for Social Transformation, Merrill College, The Humanities Institute, Science and Justice Research Center, Politics Department Democratic Discourse and Engagement Initiative, Kresge College, John R. Lewis College, and College Nine.
Engaging Digital Democracy: Tools for Addressing Political Dis- and Misinformation
Learn to decipher credible online information with Sylvanna Falcón from the UCSC Human Rights Investigations Lab for the Americas who will be in conversation with Sally Lehrman from the Trust Project. Their research helps to address concerns about online information integrity, including fake news, voter suppression, and how to effectively determine useful standards for lawyers, journalists, and the public to participate in judicious and healthy democratic discourse. The Trust Project is an international consortium of news organizations implementing transparency standards and working with technology platforms to affirm and amplify journalism’s commitment to transparency, accuracy, inclusion and fairness so that the public can make informed news choices.
- Jenny Reardon, Professor of Sociology and Founding Director of the Science and Justice Research Center (UCSC)
- Sylvanna Falcón, Professor of Latin American & Latino Studies and Founder/Director of UC Santa Cruz’s Human Rights Investigations Lab (UCSC)
- Sally Lehrman, Chief Executive (The Trust Project)