Wednesday, November 14, 2018
4:00pm – 5:30pm
SJRC Common Room, Oakes 231
Join SJRC scholars in the SJRC Common Room for an open discussion of works-in-progress! This is a wonderful chance to engage with one another’s ideas, and support our own internal work. At this session, we will hear from Assistant Professor of Sociology, Lindsey Dillon who will discuss her research on redevelopment and racial capitalism in San Francisco.
Read more on Lindsey’s work in the Hastings Environmental Law Journal article The Breathers of Bayview Hill: Redevelopment and Environmental Justice in Southeast San Francisco.
Lindsey Dillon is a geographer with research interests in urban environments and social justice. Her research and writing is deeply engaged with political ecology, feminist geography, critical race theory, and science and technology studies. In addition to being a SJRC Steering Committee member, Lindsey is affiliated with the Community Studies Program, the Environmental Studies Department, and co-founded and serves on the steering committee of the Environmental Data and Governance Initiative.