
2019-2020 Call for Graduate Student Researcher

Interested in the Intersections of Science and Justice?

Want to Develop Responsible Collaborative Research and Public Events?


Science & Justice seeks a graduate student researcher who:

  • has successfully completed the Science & Justice Training Program;
  • is able to attend SJWG meetings typically on Wednesday’s from 4-6PM and create rapporteur reports;
  • actively participates in building science and justice research and has an interest in mentoring others on research projects;
  • is interested in facilitating Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) trainings or workshops; and
  • can translate trending news items that integrate components of real world applications with science and justice concerns into blog pieces that are posted on the S&J website and shared on social media.

The Graduate Student Researcher (GSR) is offered a 50% appointment.


To Apply: submit materials to

BY: Monday, May 20, 2019 (12:00noon)

Applicants should email their CV and a 1-2 page application that presents:

  • what experiences they have that would make them good for this position;
  • their interests in the Center’s research and how their work/research/career goals would benefit from the position;
  • their ideas about cross-divisional and interdisciplinary collaborations, especially among humanists, engineers, natural scientists, artists and social scientists as well as ones that are community/academia partnerships;
  • and what ideas they would bring to S&J.

Key Items for 2019-2020

Research Projects – Assist in Science & Justice research projects (for example: Just Biomedicine, Jail / Care, etc.); assist with developing and maintaining collaborations among humanists, engineers, natural scientists, artists and social scientists as well as community/academia partnerships.

RCR – work with faculty to develop and facilitate Responsible Conduct Research trainings or workshops.

Fall/Winter/Spring Programming – work with a planning committee on Science & Justice programming.

General ScopeIn consultation with the Center Manager and Director(s), the GSR will assist to implement Center programming and research. Correspond with Project Leaders on the development of research projects and help oversee undergraduate student researchers. Responsibilities may include: organizing, planning, and co-facilitating focus groups; training and coordinating a team of undergraduate researchers who may co-facilitate focus groups and assist with documentation, interviews, transcription and data analysis; fostering collaboration and teamwork among researchers; reviewing research relevant to Center themes and areas of inquiry; creating infographics, outreach materials, and reports based on findings or events; develop and contribute to Center communication channels (ie: blog posts, news articles) for sharing research findings on campus and to the broader public; and participating in core SJRC activities and happenings.

Call for Participation

Call for Participation: Seeking Formerly Incarcerated People

Seeking Formerly Incarcerated People

To talk about their experiences with medical care in jail.

Our study is documenting the quality of health care in jail, informed by people who have directly experienced it. If you have been in jail in Santa Cruz and want to share your experiences with medical care in jail, we want to hear from you!

For more information or to participate, please contact Roxy Davis, study coordinator, at or (831) 222-0289.


Call for Undergraduate Individual Study (2017-2018)


The SJRC will host up to 4 Individual Study students to collaborate on research papers and proposals as well as Center events and programming for the academic year. Students can also work on senior thesis projects related to Center Themes (Genomics, Data Justice, Climate Justice) and/or assist SJRC Graduate Training Program Fellows in planning and organizing events. The Individual Study course, can range from 2-5 units, be independent or group and will include directed readings, guided independent and collaborative research and project planning.

Interested in the Intersections of Science and Justice?

Want to Develop Collaborative Research or Public Events?


Available Fall 2017

Telling the Story of Science & Justice: Individual Study with SJRC

SJRC regularly documents our events in written form, and writes digests of events for non-academic audiences. This student would assist documenting Science & Justice events, taking detailed notes during the events, recording brief interviews conducted with guests and participants, and producing creative short pieces that publicize the Center and demonstrate the importance of our mission. The student will develop a portfolio demonstrating their ability to produce short, engaging videos and web content that publicize and further an organization’s mission.

Please contact Kate Darling by October 17th.


Find ways undergraduates can get involved in Science and Justice research. Apply no later than the Monday of Week 1 and email a writing sample to


Call for Undergraduate Individual Study (2016-2017)


The SJRC will host up to 4 Individual Study students to collaborate on research papers and proposals as well as Center events and programming for the academic year. Students can also work on senior thesis projects related to Center Themes (Genomics, Data Justice, Climate Justice) and/or assist SJRC Graduate Training Program Fellows in planning and organizing events. The Individual Study course, can range from 2-5 units, be independent or group and will include directed readings, guided independent and collaborative research and project planning.

Interested in the Intersections of Science and Justice?

Want to Develop Collaborative Research or Public Events?  


Available Fall 2016

Just Data – assist in editing and analyzing transcripts from the Just Data meeting.

Diversity and Equity in STEM – assist with research on current individual and institutional leaders, model programs within the UC system and beyond, conduct a literature review on best practices, available curricula or training modules, assist with conducting informational interviews with key institutional leaders in the field

Third Street Project – assist with research on current community organizations and past story-telling or history exhibits in Bay View Hunter’s Point, conduct historical research on key buildings and institutions along the Third St. corridor (e.g. Genentech Hall, UCSF Mission Bay Complex, Illumina, Bay View Opera House, South East Health Clinic, New Generations Clinic, Building 80 at SFGH), assist in developing interview protocol and media release for digital story-telling and photo-voice project, conduct research on the history of labor relations at UCSF and UC Medical Centers, assist in creating a web-presence for the Third St. Collaborative.


Available Winter / Spring 2017

Fair Healthcare Pricing Project – help with assembling a literature review on healthcare pricing, financial literacy and medical debt in the U.S., conduct historical research on the Orphan Drug Act, assist in developing a pilot interview-based research protocol.

Find ways undergraduates can get involved in Science and Justice research. Apply no later than the Monday of Week 1 and email a writing sample to