Engagements with Decolonization and Decoloniality in and at the Interfaces of STS | Lyons | Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience

In a double issue of Catalyst, curated and introduced by S&J Professor Kristina Lyons with Juno Salazar Parreñas and Noah Tamarin, is a critical perspectives piece on decolonization, decoloniality and STS.

Engagements with Decolonization and Decoloniality in and at the Interfaces of STS” includes wonderful contributions by the following scholars.

Lesley Green on “Thinking Decoloniality with Perlemoen”

Kristina Marie Lyons on “On the Situated Politics of Analytic Symmetry”

Tania Pérez-Bustos on “A Word of Caution toward Homogenous Appropriations of Decolonial Thinking In STS”

Juno Salazar Parreñas on “Orangutan Rehabilitation as an Experimental Project of Decolonization”

Banu Subramaniam on “Recolonizing India: Troubling the Anticolonial, Decolonial, Postcolonial”

Noah Tamarin on “Genetic Ancestry and Decolonizing Possibilities”

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