
SJRC Annual Report 2016-2017

Director’s Letter: Welcome to Science and Justice The 2016-17 academic year proved a pivotal year for the Science and Justice Research Center. New faculty along with new initiatives led to a year of vibrant research and initiatives of importance not just to our campus, but to national and international efforts to forge science and justice.… Continue Reading SJRC Annual Report 2016-2017

S&J Colleague Charis Thompson Receives Honorary Doctorate from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Science & Justice Research Center colleague Charis Thompson received an honorary doctorate from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) on Friday, November 17 for her important contributions to the social study of emerging technologies. Thompson is Chancellor’s Professor and Chair of Gender & Women’s Studies at UC Berkeley, Associate Director of Berkeley’s Center… Continue Reading S&J Colleague Charis Thompson Receives Honorary Doctorate from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology

S&J Colleague Donna Haraway Receives Award from Yale and Discusses “Making Oddkin”

Recently, on October 23 and 27 2017, Science & Justice Research Center colleague and UC Santa Cruz Professor Emerita (History of Consciousness) Donna Haraway gave two lectures, one at Yale University and one at Duke University. Both lectures were titled “Making Oddkin: Telling Stories for Earthly Survival” and explored the possibilities of the intersection of… Continue Reading S&J Colleague Donna Haraway Receives Award from Yale and Discusses “Making Oddkin”

Engagements with Decolonization and Decoloniality in and at the Interfaces of STS | Lyons | Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience

In a double issue of Catalyst, curated and introduced by S&J Professor Kristina Lyons with Juno Salazar Parreñas and Noah Tamarin, is a critical perspectives piece on decolonization, decoloniality and STS. “Engagements with Decolonization and Decoloniality in and at the Interfaces of STS” includes wonderful contributions by the following scholars. Lesley Green on “Thinking Decoloniality with Perlemoen”… Continue Reading Engagements with Decolonization and Decoloniality in and at the Interfaces of STS | Lyons | Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience