The Science & Justice Research Center is pleased to announce we are now accepting applications for a:
Undergraduate Research Fellowship
The award presents a paid research opportunity to first-generation, low income, under-represented groups, undocumented, and/or former foster youth. The award is intended as a stipend to support general living expenses, fieldwork or travel (as allowed by campus or state COVID-19 and shelter-in-place restrictions), presentation of work, and/or research. Undergraduate students currently enrolled in any department at UC Santa Cruz may apply. Preference will be given to applicants currently involved in the project. Established to increase inclusiveness and a sense of belonging in research, the award will support research conducted by one undergraduate student working with the Center project:
Theorizing Race After Race
The student should:
- Be currently enrolled as an undergraduate student (any department) at UC Santa Cruz during Spring 2020; summer enrollment is not required.
- Be currently working on the established Center project: Theorizing Race After Race.
The student will:
- Help design and articulate the project’s future. This may include conducting interviews and transcription, analysis and editing of interviews; as well as tracking, collecting, and organizing articles about the social, political, and economic dimensions of the COVID-19 pandemic written by prominent theorists of race, inequality, and STS.
- Adhere to IRB standards for working with human research subjects if applicable.
- Be offered a $1,500 Fellowship with the SJRC and listed on the Project’s webpage.
To Apply:
By 12:00Noon, Wed May 13, students should email ( expressing interest, letting us know and sending the following:
- Your name, major, academic faculty advisor(s).
- Your resume/CV.
- Why you are interested in the project, how your personal/work/research/career goals would benefit from the fellowship, and how it would contribute to your overall sense of belonging at UC Santa Cruz.
- A short statement on your experiences at UCSC or involvement with the SJRC as related to topics addressed by the Project (including human subjects research, events attended, classes taken, etc.).
- Any ideas briefly describing potential research to be completed over Spring and Summer 2020.
Information on SJRC’s TRAR project can be found at: